Ichemco Internal Test Methods

Rolling Ball Tack

Measure unit:cm
Procedure:Clean the ball and the raceway surface with acetone and wipe them carefully with an absorbent material. Arrange the specimen (35-40 cm long, prepared following ICHEMCO No 9 method, with 22+2 g/m2 of adhesive coating) with the adhesive side up, in line with the raceway, so that the specimen shall be free of any wrinkles, creases or spices. Using clean, dry tongs, place the ball on the upper side of the raceway. Release the ball and allow it to roll to stop on the adhesive. Misure the distance from the point where the ball initially contacts the adhesive to where it stops. Repeat this test three times and determine the average (a fresh specimen shall be used to begin each test). Standard condition: temperature 20-22°C.
Instruments:Rolling ball test apparatus. Inclined raceway with a steel ball; Acetone and absorbent cleaning material.
Recordings:The average of the stopping distance measurements shall be reported in cm together with adhesive sample identifying data.
External references:PSTC-6 ASTM D 3121

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