Ichemco Internal Test Methods

Brookfield Viscosity 25°C

Measure unit:mPa.s
Procedure:Obtain a 500 ml representative specimen of the liquid, bring to a constant temperature of 23± 2°C. Avoid the collection or formation of foam and skin. Depending on the expected viscosity range, attach an appropriate spindle to the viscometer. Insert the spindle into the specimen in the center of the container to the immersion mark and avoid entrapping air. Insert the thermometer probe into the specimen. Level the viscometer, start the motor, and observe the display. Allow the viscometer to operate for at least 30 s after the display comes to a constant value. Report viscosity and temperature values. Remove and clean carefully the spindle used.
Instruments:Brookfield Viscometer Mod. RDV-II+ for medium and high viscosities, or LVDVI+ for low viscosity (<100 cps). Beakers 600 ml.
Recordings:Report the viscosity value in cps, spindle number, speed of rotation, temperature and specimen identifying data.
External references:TAPPI T 666 ASTM D 1417 ASTM D 2196 CEN TC193 N 224

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